Route de la Baie James


Brisay to Caniapiscau

Panoramic Views

Here are some panoramic views on the Trans-Taiga Road past Brisay, and at the dam at Caniapiscau. These are compliments of Lester Kovac.

NOTE: Quicktime is required to view these properly.

How these work: Please your cursor over the photo. Left-click and drag your mouse right or left to scroll the panorama. You can also scroll up and down a bit. The bottom one is a 360-degree panorama. The otehr two are 180-degree panoramas.


Trans-Taiga Road past Brisay

Photo by Lester Kovac


Road to Caniapiscau Reservoir and dam

Photo by Lester Kovac


Caniapiscau Reservoir and dam

Photo by Lester Kovac

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