Route de la Baie James



Caniapiscau is located at the end of the Trans-Taiga Road, at km 666. Here you are 745 km from the nearest town (Radisson). This is the farthest you can get from a town on a road anywhere in North America!

There is no town here, and NO SERVICES. The Caniapiscau reservoir and Duplanter water overflow structures are here.

This is also the furthest north you can travel on a road in eastern North America.

On the left side is the runway. Although topo map says it is no longer used, in fact it is well maintained & used for charter flights (mostly from Montreal, for outfitter's customers). Road splits here. Right branch goes to the Caniapiscau dam (very interesting place). Left branch goes to Air Saguenay base on Lac Pau and then to the garbage dump for the area.

Outfitters located here:

  • Explo-sylva Outfitter. (514) 254-6345, 1-800-267-9797. Website:
    Open mid-June through mid-October (thaw period). No fuel.
  • Leaf River Outfitters (418) 882-6210. Website:

Brisay is 84 km to the east (no services there either).


From Here (Caniapiscau) to: Km Miles
Amos 1392 863
Brisay 84 52
Chibougamau 1376 853
Chisasibi 832 516
Eastmain 982 609
Matagami 1220 756
Nemaska 1071 664
Radisson 762 472
Wemindji 808 501
Waskaganish 1095 679



And here is a broader "view" at a higher scale. Brisay is at the lower left, Caniapiscau is at the upper right.


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